Tuesday, July 5, 2011


from "Living Your Yoga" by Judith Lasater

People have all kinds of fears; fear of death, speaking in front of a group, fear of change, loneliness, poverty,the list can go on. We will probably never be able to live without fear, but that is not a bad thing. Of course there are good fears; like walking down a dark alley alone is a valid fear. Though what about other fears that were mentioned above? How do we handle those fears?

We can make the choice to let the fear take over or we can learn to observe it and learn from it. It is about facing the fear and asking why the fear has come up?

The next time a fear surfaces wait and sit with it. If you like to journal maybe write about it. Asking yourself what would happen if this "fear" comes true.

Mantras for your Daily Practice

I am Safe

I choose the life that I have right now

I am willing to act in the face of fear

I can do this

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