Thursday, June 30, 2011


"Living Your Yoga" by Judith Lasater

"Although it may seem that our attempt to control engages us with life, in fact it blocks us from connecting with others-or with ourselves" ~ Living Your Yoga

Think of a time when you tried to take control of a situation. Did you feel you were able to fully engage in life? Did the situation become worse? Did you feel stressed? How did you treat yourself and others in the situation?

Part of trying to be in control is about having an attachment. Believe it or not by letting go of the "attachment" the more control you have. You can not control what others do or say, but you have control over how you respond.. that means not reacting to the situation but taking a minute to think first.

Our society is very attached and control driven and breaking out of this is not easy. The next time a situation comes up and you feel you "must" take control... wait... ask yourself "what would be the worst thing that could happen if I choose to let go?" See what you come up with.

Mantras for your daily practice

The only real control I have is the choice of my own thoughts, my own words, and my own actions.

What can I let go of right now?

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