Sunday, August 28, 2011


"you just can't live in that negative way...make way for the positive day" - Bob Marley

Friday, July 15, 2011


Living Your Yoga by Judith Lasater

Standing in a long line, stuck in traffic, running late, the list can go on. These are only a few opportunities to practice Patience.
When you start to feel impatient try to notice how you are breathing and what sensations are going through your body. Ask yourself this question "If I am (late, stuck in traffic, etc) what am I really worried about?" Usually there is an underlying reason for the impatience so let the "impatience" teach you not over take your life.
I have found that breathing and as funny as it may sound a "smile" works wonders when I become impatient.

Daily Mantras for you Daily Practice

Choice is the most profound freedom

Is the problem the situation, or is it my reaction to the situation?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


from "Living Your Yoga" by Judith Lasater

People have all kinds of fears; fear of death, speaking in front of a group, fear of change, loneliness, poverty,the list can go on. We will probably never be able to live without fear, but that is not a bad thing. Of course there are good fears; like walking down a dark alley alone is a valid fear. Though what about other fears that were mentioned above? How do we handle those fears?

We can make the choice to let the fear take over or we can learn to observe it and learn from it. It is about facing the fear and asking why the fear has come up?

The next time a fear surfaces wait and sit with it. If you like to journal maybe write about it. Asking yourself what would happen if this "fear" comes true.

Mantras for your Daily Practice

I am Safe

I choose the life that I have right now

I am willing to act in the face of fear

I can do this

Thursday, June 30, 2011


"Living Your Yoga" by Judith Lasater

"Although it may seem that our attempt to control engages us with life, in fact it blocks us from connecting with others-or with ourselves" ~ Living Your Yoga

Think of a time when you tried to take control of a situation. Did you feel you were able to fully engage in life? Did the situation become worse? Did you feel stressed? How did you treat yourself and others in the situation?

Part of trying to be in control is about having an attachment. Believe it or not by letting go of the "attachment" the more control you have. You can not control what others do or say, but you have control over how you respond.. that means not reacting to the situation but taking a minute to think first.

Our society is very attached and control driven and breaking out of this is not easy. The next time a situation comes up and you feel you "must" take control... wait... ask yourself "what would be the worst thing that could happen if I choose to let go?" See what you come up with.

Mantras for your daily practice

The only real control I have is the choice of my own thoughts, my own words, and my own actions.

What can I let go of right now?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


From "Living Your Yoga" by Judith Lasater

"The projection of friendliness, compassion, gladness, and equanimity towards objects - be they joyful, sorrowful, meritorious, or demeritorious - bring about the pacification of consciousness
- Yoga Sutra 1:33

What is compassion? Whom do we feel it for?
The word compassion comes from the Latin prefix com-and the Latin word for pati means "to suffer with"

Compassion must start with yourself- to be compassionate towards others and see their pain you must understand that you suffer as well.
This is not always easy to face your suffering. No one likes to go through pain but we must go through it to understand and see where others are coming from as well as where we are coming from.

In the chapter of compassion Judith talks about her children, she asks herself: when does she back off and let them learn life's lessons, when does she step in to help. She also stated that she tries not to to judge their behavior but see it from their point of view. This is something we could all try to add in our daily practice.

Mantras for your Daily Practice:
I have compassion for myself
I have compassion for others

When I act from the heart of compassion I always know what to do.

Plant compassion, get compassion

Compassion comes from clarity and creates clarity

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chillin Yogi and Mission Lazarus

Chillin Yogi is helping the church of Christ and their mission trip to Choluteca in Honduras. The mission is called "Mission Lazarus".

What will the church do in Honduras?
The church will team up with a local congregation through Mission Lazarus and work on building a home for a church member, delivering food and supplies to a local village and help with vacation Bible School.

What will the money being raised go towards?
to Purchase food baskets, shoes, materials to build a home and maybe a goat or two!

When will the Church of Christ go to Honduras?

They leave July 16th and return on July 23rd

If you want to donate money to Mission Lazarus please makes check payable to "KOP Church of Christ"
Send check to:

Chillin Yogi
590 West Valley Forge Road
King of Prussia PA 19406

for more information on "Mission Lazarus" go to

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wheel Pose

Benefits of Wheel Pose:
Stretches the chest and lungs,strengthens the arms..legs..wrists..buttocks...abdomen..and spine.The Wheel increases energy level.
How to?
start out with your back on the floor and knees bent.Your heels should be near your bottom. Palms flat next to your head so the fingers are pointing towards your shoulders and your wrists are facing away from your body.
Pressing your feet and palms to the floor inhale and lift your tailbone .. buttocks...spine off the floor. Hold for 3 to 4 breaths and release the shoulder blades down ..spine.. buttocks to the mat. To finish bring your knees near your chest and give your legs a hug.... this helps to counteract the backbend.

Friday, April 8, 2011

FREE Yoga Class
Tuesday April 19
Church of Christ in King of Prussia

Must sign up!
This is an introduction to a 6 week Yoga session

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yin Yoga Seminar
Saturday April 2
Fee: $20.00 per person
Learn what Yin Yoga is and how it can help to calm and recenter/recharge the mind and body. For all levels.

To sign up :
Location: Church of Christ (King of Prussia)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Keep checking in for new upcoming Seminars:
Yin Yoga, nutrition, 8 fold-path,
power yoga and more.
Let me know what you would want to see for seminars:

Tuesday night class was wonderful thank you to all who came!! Now it's time for the 6 week session.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Free class Tuesday night
Yoga Level 1
at the Church of Christ in King of Prussia

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Save your back from all that Shoveling !!!
1.) Cat - Cow , Child Pose
2.) Downward-Facing Dog Pose
others you may want to try:
Standing - Forward Bend
Chair Pose

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Be who you are, where you are.

The more we are ourselves, the more we enjoy our life. Today if you are in an uncomfortable, even restrictive situation, don't be afraid to speak your truth with love.
~Judith Hanson Lasater "A year of living your yoga"