What do we bring to our mats?
Whenever I teach a class I always say "notice if there is anything holding you back from being here (on the mat) ~ not judging just noticing".
It is amazing to notice all the thoughts that come into our minds when we try to be still, and focus. The main point to know is (1) its okay if your thoughts drift off try not to get upset about it or feel like you failed because you did not (2) when your thoughts are elsewhere try to bring yourself back to the mat (your practice) (3) find what works for you
Finding what would bring you back can change from day to day but the main point to find what that one thing is: focusing on your breath, noticing how you feel in each pose- physically, mentally, spiritually. Really anything that will help you to focus on you and your practice.
The next time you do a balancing pose notice your thoughts - this is a good one to do this with. If your are thinking about -food, what you have to do after class, etc your balance will be off .If your focus is on your breath notice how grounded you feel.
Though over all: be content with the fact that you made the choice to come to the mat.
Take a Breath