Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How many times today did you stop to notice ....?

Try not to let the busy day and your emotions rule over you. Sometimes taking the time to rest, eat something healthy, or talk with a good friend is all you need.

Take a breath

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

FREE Yin Yoga Seminar

Free !!
Yin Yoga Seminar
at the Gryphon Cafe in Wayne PA
105 West Lancaster Ave
Wayne PA 19087
March 19th 6:30-8:30 pm

*Please email or call Alycia for reservations and information: Space is limited !!
email: Baladi23@yahoo.com or call at 610-405-2566 !!

(held in the upper room of the Gryphon Cafe)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life is an Exploration

February Quote :

" Life is an exploration. We need to liberate ourselves to think of it that way. We tend to take everything we do too seriously and feel every action must produce the desired results. When we can instead think of life as an exploration, we're free to try more things. We can explore our options and discover many different aspects of ourselves in the process. This attitude creates more possibilities for us.
If some of the things you try don't work, just let them go. Don't think that if you start something you must finish it. It's okay to explore and learn from that process of discovery.

" I am willing to explore something new"

by: Shakti Gawain, "Awakening"

Take a Breath

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

making time

How often do you say to yourself, "I just don't have enough time?" I hear that a lot and it's a shame because taking time out to rest is a choice. In all of my yoga classes I give a small talk on a different topic, like silence, eight fold path, etc. and one day we were talking about the importance of silence. Our society today is all about the TV, radio, cell phones and filling up your time to keep busy. Busy people make money right? That's what the media tells us. How often do you turn on the TV for just background noise? Is it because you like the noise? Is it because you hate the silence? Sitting in silence can be very aggravating or scary to some. But let me let you in on something. If you choose to carve out some time each day to sit in silence, you allow yourself to relax the body and mind. And by doing this, you create a healthy venue to discover more about yourself and what is going on around you.
To be honest there is no excuse to say you don't have enough time, because you do. Its a choice and its a lifestyle change. Try taking at least 5 minutes a day just sitting with nothing on. No radio, TV, nothing and just see what happens.

Take a breath